Category: News
Teen pregnancy in South Africa – a growing problem
What effect has the pandemic had on teen pregnancies? It’s too soon to tell. But here’s what the available data shows us.
Quick take: Africa doubles Covid-19 vaccines with donations from US
36 African countries have received donations from the US since July.
Hard lockdowns, liquor bans and the effect they have on crime
Reports of most violent crimes dropped significantly following the start of the lockdown and the alcohol ban in March 2020.
SA Unemployment Tracker
Our unemployment tracker is updated every quarter following the release of new employment data by Stats SA.
Quick Take: Unemployment rising faster for women in South Africa
The unemployment rate among women is close to 37%, increasing by 2.8 percentage points since last quarter.
Covax in Africa: Which vaccines are countries getting, and how much?
Only about 4%, or 55-million people in Africa, have received a dose of a vaccine so far.
Covid-19 in South Africa
How long will it take to vaccinate two-thirds of South Africans (67%)? This vaccination tracker updates daily to help you monitor progress.
Quick take: An age-old problem – SA’s 2021 cabinet
On 5 August 2021 President Cyril Ramaphosa reshuffled his cabinet. The new cabinet is old: 20 of the 30 ministers are over the age of 60 and only one minister is younger than 40.
Unrest in SA: Joblessness and rising prices make a volatile mixture
Unemployment in South Africa is among the worst in the world and unemployment among the youth is particularly high, but that doesn’t tell the full story.