Category: Surprise Me
Only 65 of 1,000 Nobel prizes awarded to women
And more than half of them have been in the past 20 years.
The Outlier’s grocery basket: February 2023
Every month we take a look at the in-store prices of the same basket of goods across six major retailers – Shoprite, Checkers, Pick n Pay, Spar, Food Lover’s Market and Woolworths.
The Outlier’s grocery basket: November 2022
Our basket of nine basic items will set you back R431 at Spar, which is R39 more expensive than the same goods at Woolworths. Find out more in our November update.
The Outlier’s grocery basket: October 2022
For two months in a row, Spar’s basket has been the most expensive option. Shoprite’s has been the most affordable since we added the retailer to the list in August.
The Outlier’s grocery basket: September 2022
Spar’s basket was the most expensive option this month and Shoprite’s was the cheapest. The same bag of groceries differed by R48. Find out more in our September 2022 update.
The Outlier’s grocery basket: August 2022
We’ve added a new retailer to our grocery basket comparison. Now, we look at the in-store prices of the same basket of goods across five retailers.
Seven charts on women, work and education in South Africa
More girls between the ages of 17 and 19 pass matric than boys, and they do better at maths and science. More young women also graduate with degrees. So why then do women earn on average 20% less than men?
The Outlier’s Grocery Basket: July 2023
An update on our in-store survey of the same basket of basic goods at eight of South Africa’s major retailers, including, Checkers, Shoprite, Spar, Pick n Pay, Woolworths, Food Lover’s Market, Boxer Superstores and Makro.
Blowing hot air: Africa’s big greenhouse gas emitters
The next United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Egypt in November. Although emissions of African countries are low compared to the big global emitters. South Africa is the exception.
The Outlier’s grocery basket: July 2022
Every month we take a look at the in-store prices of the same basket of goods across four major retailers – Checkers, Pick n Pay, Spar and Woolworths.